
Elvis Tadlanek is an Entrepreneur, Podcast Host, Calisthenics Athlete, Musician, and Author.
At the age of 12 he started learning martial arts, which sparked a lifelong obsession with health and fitness. In the following years he attended lessons in Karate, Aikido, Kung Fu and Tai Chi, only to find his own ways and methods.
His innate curiosity and interest in martial arts also led him to research nutrition, various training methods, including Progressive Calisthenics, Chi Kung, the Wim Hof Method, as well as eastern philosophies and spirituality.
“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is uniquely yours.”
Bruce Lee
This has become one of his core principals, under which he to this day expands his knowledge in various subjects and shares it with others.
After leaving university, he decided to move from Slovakia to pursue a better life in the United Kingdom, only to find himself, half a year later, 20 kilograms overweight, depressed and on the verge of an eating disorder.
In the following years he overcame all of these obstacles by focusing on Calisthenics and proper nutrition. Once he received his certification, he began working as a calisthenics trainer in gyms, and in late 2019 he performed 2000 pull-ups in 6.5 hours to raise awareness for World Mental Health Day.
In 2021 he moved to Northern Sweden, where he published his first science-fiction novel named “Ascension: A Psychedelic Sci-Fi Novel”, as well as continued writing music
Elvis is the host of the Life Of Elvis Podcast, where he discusses a variety of topics with his guests, ranging from self-development, finding meaning in life, to the paranormal and the nature of reality.
Most recently, upon leaving Europe and traveling the Americas, he established Tara Vitality, a hub of wellness and self-empowerment, dedicated to fostering health, happiness, and freedom in life.